1、Easy Excel(https://easyexcel.opensource.alibaba.com/docs/current/quickstart/write ) @Data public static class CellDataWithStyle { private T val; private Integer flag = 1; CellDataWithStyle(T val) { this.val = val; } } public static class StyleConver ...
安装驱动  deepin if you want to use the nvidia please uninstall the debian package ? sudo apt-get --purge remove "*nvidia*" # 卸载nvidia驱动 sudo apt autoremove # 清除遗留文件 sudo service lightdm stop 或 sudo telinit 3 # 启用界面 sudo ./Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-525.105.17.run -no-x-check -no-op ...
mysql 存储过程实例 CREATE PROCEDURE insertValueIntoTestTable (IN m INT) BEGIN DECLARE n INT DEFAULT 0; WHILE n < m DO INSERT INTO `user`.`role` (`name`, `description`) VALUES ('测试', '测试专用'); SET n = n + 1; END WHILE; END; CALL insertValueIntoTestTable(10); DROP PROCEDURE insertValueIn ...
加密算法   require 'openssl' def data_decrypt(data, key) aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("AES-128-CBC"); aes.decrypt; aes.key = key; aes.update(data) << aes.final end def data_save(data, file) File.open(file, 'a') { |f| f.write(data) } end def dat ...
MACOS M1 gem install mysql   rbenv exec gem install mysql2 -- \ --with-mysql-lib=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/8.0.25_1/lib \ --with-mysql-dir=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/8.0.25_1 \ --with-mysql-config=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/8.0.25_1/bin/mysql_config \ --with-mysql-include=/opt/homebrew/ ...
虚拟MFA生成:     import cn.hutool.core.codec.Base32; import cn.hutool.crypto.digest.otp.TOTP; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Date; class MyTotp public static void main(String[] args) { // 每分钟30秒变动 String key = "xxx"; // Base32编码秘钥 TOTP totp = ...
brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass sshpass -p '密码' ssh -p [端口] [服务器] sshpass -f '密码文件' ssh -p [端口] [服务器] sshpass -f '密码文件'  -o 2FA_otp ssh -p [端口] [服务器]        

Java 结构处理

Java 结构处理:   LinkedHashMap<String, Object> xxx = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<String> ma = Arrays.asList("6月", "5月", "4月", "3月", "2月", "1月"); Iterator<String> it = ma.iterator(); fo ...
ER = 6378137.0 FL = 1/298.257; def rad(d) d * Math::PI / 180.0 end def calc_distance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) cl1 = rad((lat1 + lat2)/2) cl2 = rad((lat1 - lat2)/2) cl = rad((lng1 - lng2)/2) scl1 = Math.sin(cl1) ** 2 scl2 = Math.sin(cl2) ** 2 scl = Math.sin(cl) ** ...
 网址: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfwlist/gfwlist/master/gfwlist.txt  
macOS修改MAC地址     备份: ip: # # # # Mac:78:4f:43:6f:27:59 # 随机生成一个全新的MAC网卡地址 openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//' # 断开无线网卡连接,这时会要求输入开机密码 sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport -z ...
 Ruby 字符串连接   require 'benchmark' Benchmark.bm do |x| x.report('par') { s2 = '' 1000.times { |i| i = i.to_s; s2 = "#{s2}#{i}" } } x.report('par') { s1 = '' 1000.times { |i| i = i.to_s; s1 += i } } x.report('par') { s3 = '' 1000.times { |i| i = i.to_s; s ...
代码: class MsgSchedule attr_reader :lock_key, :expire_in, :redis def initialize(lock_key, opts = {}) raise 'lock_key must be exists!' if lock_key.blank? @lock_key = lock_key @expire_in = opts.delete(:expire_in) || 1.minute @redis = opts.delete(:redis) || MSG_BUFFER ...

NFC 相关文档

NFC Android 工具下载: https://www.icaria.de/mct/releases  源码: https://github.com/ikarus23/MifareClassicTool    

iOS 越狱记录

安装包: http://apt.saurik.com/cydia/debs/ 安装命令: dpkg -i cydia_1.1.17.deb
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